spin-off retardation
The cleveland show?...
culture by the Teaspoon
Holy mother of hezus.
Am trecut de 5000 de viewsuri!
Unde s-a dus timpul? Si de unde dracu 5000 de oameni? Norocul meu cu pornomanii si futofilii care cauta in draci pe google gen "fut pa mata" si ajung la pagina 50 unde mai e si blogul meu.
I'd like to thank my mother, my fajer, god, he's the one up there, doing his thang. and satan, without him god would probably get bored shitless and kill himself. And i'd like to thank the good people at Globu-coom. [MUST KILL NIXON].
So tune in next time for more adeventures on "Tales of interesting".
Posted by
2:25 PM
mi se pare trist ca inca am trafic pe blog, mic, dar am. desi nu cred ca sta cineva mai mult de 30 de secunde.
niste keyworduri dragute:
1. am o mancarime la testicole
2. variaza un gura iei
3. vreau sa sug pule gay
4. femei care sug pula de cal
sa-mi bag pula, numai depravatii ajung pe blogul meu. in rest the usual, tot "se fute in draci" e nr. 1 in lista de keyworduri, 26 de cautari.
Posted by
3:08 AM