Monday, May 11, 2009

movies #16

wow, i'm on a fucking roll. MORE movies.

The Painted Veil - posterul din dreapta te pacaleste totalmente. Nu e ceva plin de suspans, de poarta Naomi watts negru, si norton are acea privire uber-coola, watts poarta negru cam 5 minute tot filmu. Ceea ce e in stanga reprezinta filmu. El si ea casatoriti for all the wrong reasons, go to china, they fight, the suffer, and they evolve. Arata bine, watts e buna (si buna), norton e uncharacteristically gay (ca accent) si desgiur drama chinei din '20. Ceea ce face aceasta drama de personaje vizionabila (la cele 125 de minute!) este tonul. Sau atmosfera. Dar ton parca e mai pe felie. O combinatie subtila intre 'mister', un pic de confuzie, dorinte neimplinite, frustrari, si, most importantly, priviri dramatice (god, i feel like a FAG writing this. priviri? WTF?!?). It's all the small stuff, adica daca pleci la baie 10 minute, cand te intorci sanse mari sa nu fi pierdut evenimente importante. Sounds pretentious, no? Pai era bonus la evenimentul zilei (cred), so it god damn better be pretentious. niste muzica de Erik Satie foarte misto folosita la inceput, never really know what to expect after that. Well, i didn't know what to expect. Not bad at all, in special ca nu prea gust genul acesta de drame lente de epoca (ma plictisesc).

OTIS - this vas cvite a surprise. The anti-Saw, anti-American Pie, anti-Brady Bunch, anti-Brave One, anti-thriller, anti-suspans. and i mean the THE. presupusa comedie neagra, a fucking astounding peice of post-modern "best of", care ia pe rand cam toate convetiile futute sau refutute-n cur din ultimii ani si le combina in ceva partial imbecil in aparenta dar suficient de serios incat sa conteze, sau sa ne pese. This is a down-to-earth John Waters movie, daca el tot s-a oprit din facut filme. Si am zis "astounding" pentru ca am fost complet luat prin surprindere, fiind straight-to-dvd, and looking like shit. Kevin Pollack is a real bad-ass motherfucker. This is what happens when the American Family have been exposed to the kind of things wee generally see the American Family in, these days. Un film care uraste pe oricine care nu se afla in it's target audience. Foarte misto coloana sonora, desi sometimes it goes overboard.

The Cat's Meow - o sa ma hazardez in a spune ca asta e un film pe reteta Gosford Park, desi ultima oara am vazut Gosford Park acu 8 ani, si nici nu sunt sigur daca Park este cel care a pionierat aceasta reteta (si cand l-am vazut atunci m-am plictisit ingrozitor in sala de cinema, dar eram tanar). Lots of rich people get together and have fun, drama ensues, stuff happens, in anii '20. Eddie izzard e chaplin (nu l-am vazut pe downey in Chaplin, deci nu pot compara), Kirsten Dunst e o actrita oarecare si Edward Herman (tatal batran din gilmore girls) este W.R. Hearst, un soi de magnat. A enjoyable ride, Bogdanovich regizeaza, desi parca e mai mult TV decat cinema, si poate un pic cam lung, which is sad avand in vedere cine era si ce-a facut Bogdanovich la viata lui. But it's a nice and small film. Which will be completely forgotten. C'est la vie, you throw the small ones back in... Gosford Park in schimb, cred ca are mai multe sanse sa reziste in timp. Ar trebui sa-l revad.

Holy shit, am scris mult.

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